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QA Assignment

With widespread awareness campaigns about the adverse effects of smoking, people are becoming more aware of the negative health effects of smoking and their vicious cycles. As a result, every smoker at least once thinks about quitting smoking and tries to use any one of the traditional methods in order to do so. When nothing works, QuitSure saves the day by showing them the right way.


QuitSure is a leading quit smoking app present on the app store and play store. With more than 550,000 downloads across app stores, QuitSure is becoming the most popular choice for quitting smoking. It is a 6-day program with audio, and video content, daily exercises, instructions, and many more. It uses advanced scientific methods and psychology to help the user quit smoking effectively and permanently.

As a first step of the assignment, please make sure that you are reading this assignment on your mobile screen.

Please test different features as instructed below and answer the questions (Estimated time:15-20 minutes). Please submit your assignment by emailing to The Subject line should be QA assignment_{first name}

uiAsset 1.png


  • What is the loading time of this webpage on your mobile.
  • Download our quit smoking app from this link (android)
  • or Download our quit smoking app from this link (IOS)
  • What is the loading time for the first screen after logging into the app?
  • When you are asked for your name, please write “QA assignment_{first name}”
  • When you are asked to select the program, please select QuitSure Basic program only (not QuitSure Video program)
  • Go to the profile tab and select “How to do the program”. Are these instructions clear to you? If not, what should be improved?
  • Go over the images present in the day 1’s modules. What are the UI issues related to the images, if any?
  • Watch any one video and provide the list of technical/UI issues if any.
  • What are the different types of workflows for the user to subscribe to the program? (In other words, where the user will have to click to reach to make the final payment? And in how many ways the user can reach the final purchase screen)
  • According to you, which feature will require the maximum effort in testing?
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